Monday, September 29, 2014

Sometimes Ya Just Gotta ...


When you're speechless ... 
but want to say something ... 
It's all in the delivery, you know.
Not what you say, but how you say it.

When MammTwo of Tarnos was getting rounder by the day and the fire-headed Cousin Twins Samm and Sarr were yet littles, they followed their beloved aunt everywhere, waddling in her pregnant wake - quacking - and so a family tradition was born, along with LittleMamm of course. 

Now this is a sort of silly fun thing here, the quacking. BUT - as it says above, the key lies not in the quack itself but in the delivery of it.

Call it a social experiment.

I want to see people quacking at one another, in real life, not just electronically.

One simple little, silly little, word ... and communication (audible communication) happens. 

Type quack into a device and all you have is a word.

Say quack with a bounce in your waggle and a lilt in your voice and you convey happiness or merriment, laughter and joy.

Say the same word with a half-hearted little tail wag and a down-turned face, and you're telling someone you could probably use a hug right now.

Waddle confidently into a meeting, look your people in the eye, and quack at them with authority in your voice and you're going to get their attention.

In the middle of an argument, where nobody's listening to ANYBODY, let loose with a loud QUACK and guess what. Everyone's liable to shut up and stare at you. Quack again with a smile, and someone might quack back - which puts a stop to the argument and gives everyone a chance to start over - with smiles instead of scowls.

Just sayin'.

Interpersonal communication is becoming less and less inter'personal'. And real communication is going out the window.

So give a quack now and then, just because.

You can say a lot with one quack.

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