Sass and Thann of Dunnottar : Sometimes Love Needs A Little Push

Sass and Thann have a difficult beginning ...

Sass and Thann of Dunnottar, violently thrown together, making their way through pain, and finding a new way ... 

From Mamm of Perth:

In the battle that took her parents Danann and Sidhelagh, leaving only their Voices to their family, Sass speared a soldier (Thann) and then saved his life out of remorse and compassion.

... And the Queen Harp again plays that haunting lonely song while the Voices of Danann and Sidhelagh of Dunnottar Sing of love and loneliness and the people of Dunnottar weep once more though the tears are perhaps less bitter now.

Sass of Dunnottar wraps her woolen cloak about her and steps alone into the darkness of this night.

Looking to the sky bright with stars she stands alone in the darkness of this night.

Bowing her head now she seeks the presence of the Mother alone in the darkness of this night.

‘Mother, You know us, each and all. You know the depth of the hurt of our loss. I beg You now, alone in the darkness of this night, to send to us Your Peace, the Peace which we were created and gifted to find and sustain. You hear the pain in our Voices, You feel the agony we share with Danann and Sidhelagh in their empty alone-ness. We all of us need Your Peace lest we lose our own.’
Throwing back her hood now Sass of Dunnottar shouts to the bright stars in the sky far above her face.

LISTEN to us! HEAR the spirits of Your people weeping in grief! LOOK at our hearts and SEE how they bleed! Where now the woman whose Voice Sings of Peace among us? Where now the man whose Voice Sings of Creation, Life, Death, Eternity? They are GONE now!  GONE!  Taken FROM US!’

And the Voice of Sass of Dunnottar cracks now, and breaks.

‘Where now Sidhelagh? Where now Danann?’

And Sass of Dunnottar hears whispers in her ears, and in her Spirit, the Voices of Danann and Sidhelagh of Dunnottar, bringing Peace and Comfort to her broken spirit.

Sass of Dunnottar now feels the warmth of the Mother Spirit encompassing her; the strong arms wrap up Sass of Dunnottar and gather her close to that Mother’s heart while her tears course and fall to the snow at her feet, while her tears carry bitterness and pain to land in the snow at her feet.

And into the spirit of Sass of Dunnottar, alone in the darkness of this night, enters the Spirit of the Song of Healing; the words she has so often Sung take hold in her and her own healing begins.

To her side strides her soldier and into his chest turns the face of Sass of Dunnottar. The strong heart of her soldier absorbs and holds close the tears of Sass of Dunnottar. The strong arms of her soldier wrap her in love and grace and forgiveness, gifts of the Mother Spirit to them both in the darkness of this night, and the arms of Sass of Dunnottar creep around her soldier to hold him close in love and grace and forgiveness as his tears fall un-noticed.

And Danann and Sidhelagh of Dunnottar watch from their alone places.

Danann and Sidhelagh of Dunnottar smile quietly and leave Sass and her soldier in the care each of the other. ...

From Mamm of Tarnos:

Thann finally breaks his long silence.

...  In the deep of this night, this cold night of the Long Dark, Sass of Dunnottar seeks the comfort of the grove.

There she stands, so very alone, so very lonely, before the Holy Trinity and there she gives her thanks for this small beginning of the Healing of her soldier.

In the deep of this night, this cold night of the Long Dark, Sass of Dunnottar Sings, so very alone, so very lonely. Quietly but with a sweet purity she Sings the Song of Healing. They are her own familiar words in the Song of the Trinity and they come from her Spirit as naturally as breath.

And yet …

Yet, on this night come all of the words to all of the Voices of the Song.

On this night from the Spirit and from the throat of Sass of Dunnottar come forth the Songs of all of the Voices, Songs she has often heard but has never raised her Voice to Sing – she has always had her own Voice, her own Song, to carry.

And yet …

Yet, on this night Sass of Dunnottar, so very alone, so very lonely, Sings of Choice.

She Sings of Creation, of Life, of Death, of Eternity.

She Sings of Peace.

She Sings of Faith.

She Sings of Healing, in its proper place in the Song.

She Sings of Hope and of Tomorrow.

She Sings of Love.

Again the Voice of Sass of Dunnottar Sings of all of the gifts of the Holy Trinity, each in its turn.

And again.

Through the deep of this night, this cold night of the Long Dark, Sings the Voice of Sass of Dunnottar and the Mother Spirit hears and weeps for the beauty of the Song of this Her daughter who Sings through the night, so very alone, so very lonely.

As the dawn begins to break, still the Voice of Sass of Dunnottar Sings on and on and on.

As the sun rises, another Voice, hesitant but deep and strong, joins with the Voice of Sass of Dunnottar, and Sings like an echo from behind her, and it is no Voice that she recognizes.

As the sun strengthens into morning on this day of the Long Dark, the unknown Voice comes up closer behind Sass of Dunnottar but she does not turn from the Song, nor does the Voice, deep and strong, no longer hesitant, miss a note as it advances to Sing beside her.

As the rays of the sun break through into the grove where they stand, these two Voices gather to them the strength of the very grove itself and Sing the Song of the Holy Trinity in Power.

The hands of these Voices join in a familiar grip and Sass of Dunnottar turns to face her soldier, still Singing.

And the Voices match, note for note, as these two Sing together, neither any longer alone. ... 

These two will make you laugh; they might make you weep.

The power of their love is beyond their ken, but they have a 

destiny to fulfill

 ... and so they do.

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