Caileen and Talorc of Dunnottar : Spouses, Diplomats, and Teachers

Here are Caileen and Talorc. 

The battles they are Called to are not always obvious but they fight them on behalf of the generations to come, and their shared destiny bears fruit.

From Mamm of Perth:

Talorc is ordinarily pretty reserved. An unknown man in their midst amuses him, to the delight of Caileen.

... Now, nobody but Mamm knows who in the heck this guy is except for Sass.  They’re all standing there gaping at him, still shocked at the pounding he did to their door, the layers of clothing he has shed across the floor of the roundhouse, and the transformation of him from an enormously huge person to one so spare as to be a walking withe, albeit a very tall and very animated one.

Talorc, true to form, finds his wits first and approaches.  He’s got one hand out to shake this man’s hand and a mug of mead (from their extremely limited supply) in the other.  He’s a little surprised at the strength of the hand that grips his and grins outright (believe it or not – this is Talorc remember – he’s almost laughing) when his mug of mead is immediately appropriated and drained in one go. 

As the others see this uncharacteristic response of the usually reserved Talorc, they crowd closer and introductions ensue. 

Caileen joins her husband and frees his hand so that she can shake the hand of this man who so delights Talorc.  She doesn’t know who this is but she likes him already.  ...

From Mamm of Dunnottar:

One of the responsibilities of Dunnottar is arbitrating conflicts among their friends and neighbors in the surrounding communities.

...  she looks at the man and the woman before her, a married couple.

Shamed faces flame and turn down to bare feet.

Caileen is not to be put off.

‘Look at me.’

Miserable eyes look into the concern in Caileen’s coppery brown ones.

‘Do you hate one another, and your friends and neighbors?’


‘You know this cannot be allowed.’

‘We know.’

‘Do you have a solution to offer?’

‘We could, maybe, stop drinking mead and wine.’

‘Do you want to know what we think?’


And Caileen Speaks for Dunnottar on this matter.

‘The two of you are to go each of you back to your own families where you are to stay for a full year.’

‘But we have younglings.’

‘Daughters go with their mother; sons with their father.’

‘But that splits our family!’

‘You have split your family already. Here is a chance to mend it.’

‘What if they won’t take us in?’

‘I don’t think that’s going to happen but if it does, they will come before Dunnottar themselves.’

‘And no mead or wine for either of us for that full year?’

‘No mead or wine for either of you ever again. Should you fail in this, you will quickly come to know what loneliness is.’

‘You would banish us?’

‘You will be banished, yes.’

And the two fighters look at one another and then at Caileen.

‘As you say.’

‘So says Dunnottar.’  ...

Talorc and Caileen's leadership is quiet but firm. 

Their love and mutual respect has carried them through some

rough times; now they share their solid strength and wisdom.

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