Friday, July 20, 2018

Richard Branson Putting Business World To Work For Refugees? An Idealistic Hope

There's a question mark up there for a good reason.

While I appreciate much of what 'Cousin Rick' has accomplished (disclaimer: not literal cousins, at least not that I know of - it's just the name association I get a kick out of) I don't always agree with every last little thing he says.

That having been said, there's no doubt the man knows business and is good at it.

CLICK HERE for a link to an article dated 12 July 2018.

As we all know, remarks were made during a recent joint press conference by Presidents Trump and Putin of the United States of America and Russia respectively. The remarks I'm referring to have to do with the refugee crisis now under way in Europe. As I understand it, preliminary efforts may already be underway to provide safety for refugees in the more stable regions of the Middle East, much closer to home for many, if not most or all, of the refugees they were talking about.

Humanitarian support for people whose homelands are unsafe for them at the moment is a privilege, and a responsibility that cannot be set aside. It does not, however, include a prerequisite that one's own homeland or people be put at risk in any way.

Branson is completely on target that Business can and should step up to the plate.

Here is where our possible scenarios might diverge a bit.

I have a hunch he is referring to Business stepping up to help plant refugees more solidly within what are supposed to be temporary places of shelter until their own homelands become secure enough for them to return.

I, on the other hand, am referring to Business stepping up to support what I'm thinking of as Sanctuary Cities in the Middle East - those oases of stability would have a ready on-the-spot workforce whose talents could be put to good use in the building of communities and businesses that would provide them the means by which to support themselves while they wait to go home. It would also provide them with skill sets they'll need when comes the time to rebuild their own homelands.

So if the United States, Russia, the Nations of Europe and of the Middle East, Canada, Australia, India, China, the Nations of Africa, Central and South America ... essentially all the Nations of Earth ... cooperate and coordinate efforts on behalf of the displaced peoples who are now homeless, the expense of providing them with sanctuary would not fall so heavily on any one nation or group of nations to care for them while they wait to go home.

Providing 'humanitarian relief' in real terms ought to include providing education and training. A 'side effect' would be the development of business enterprises that would provide employment and products. Business acumen is of vital importance to such development - and Richard Branson has that in spades!

Another 'side effect' would be to minimize (or eliminate) the impact on the homelands of Peoples whose cultures are incompatible (at least with things the way they are right now) with the culture/s of the refugees now finding refuge in said homelands - trying to force acceptance makes it uncomfortable (to understate) for all involved.

I'm visioning cities whose primary objective and reason for existence is to provide for the refugees of our world, be their status caused by natural disaster or by human-initiated crisis.

Who has the resources to put into developing thriving productive cities where the refugees of the world can be safe while learning skills and contributing to not only their own economic stability but to the economy of the world as their products are marketed?



Of the two, guess which is generally richer ... hmmm ... ? That bugbear that bothers so many folks - well here's a great chance to redeem themselves; they can put their money where their mouths have been, eh? The kicker is that if they do it right they'll come out even further ahead, which ought to be an incentive.

Getting to build their own financial enterprises with the Nations of the World picking up a hefty hunk of the tab by providing for their workforces' food, clothing, and shelter?

What's not to like about that?

Richard Branson and other entrepreneurs turned moguls know exactly what to do and how to do it successfully.

They have millions upon millions upon millions of people ready willing and able to work.

They have (or will have) the backing of the Nations of Earth, which coincidentally will also be buying their products as they hit markets.

Designated World Sanctuary Cities under the VERY able leadership of the best of the best in our Business world, built by the cooperation of all the Nations of our world, protected by the best of the best of our world's protective services, peopled by smart, motivated populations (smart enough to want to get the heck out of their failing, dangerous nations - and motivated enough to do it) ... and independently administered by their own choice of administrators, guided by Business and World leaders (that would be an 'oversight committee' in case you're wondering).

Here's your chance, Big Business.
Here's your chance, whichever nation hosts these cities.
Here's your chance, Europe and America and other Nations of the world.
And most of all ...
Here's your chance, refugees from all over the whole wide world - here's your chance.
Take it.

I heard America promise humanitarian aid.
I heard Russia promise transportation.
I heard (read) Big Business (aka 'Cousin Rick') promise expertise, development, jobs.
So far so good.
Who will be host?
Saudi Arabia? Turkey? India? Egypt?

My vote, if I had one?
Saudi Arabia, smack dab in the center of Saudi Arabia.
The Saudis could use an upswing in popularity.

Now get on with it already before Europe erupts and America has a melt-down.

There are twenty or thirty million people who need a place to go and something productive to do.

Make it happen - for them and for all of us.

Now, if this had been MY idea I would be patting myself on the back. As it is, the idea/s spring/s from the minds of the most unlikely combination I've ever heard of.

What on God's Green Earth do these three men : Trump, Putin, Branson : have in common? Trump's a Christian; Branson's an Atheist; Putin's ... well, Putin is Putin. Trump wants Independent Nations; Branson comes across as being heavily in favor of the EU; Putin wants ... well, Putin is Putin.

So what DO they have in common?
For one thing, they're all three hard-headed.
For another thing, they're all three soft-hearted.
For yet another, they're all three in favor of World Peace.
For another, they are pragmatists to the core, each and all of them.
AND, they're all three some of the brightest bulbs in the world's chandelier.

Perhaps we should all take heed. God works in mysterious ways, the Universe unfolds as it should, and Hope springs eternal ...

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Bridge to Nowhere

This photo was taken by Brian Williams.
He was brought up in Dunbar, East Lothian, along the east coast of Scotland.
When he shared the photo with me, he told me it was taken near there, and mentioned John Muir.

Me being me, I went looking.

Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland is indeed the birthplace of John Muir.

We in the United States honor John Muir as a conservationist, and for his campaign to form Yosemite National Park; respect him as a writer; and almost revere him as a poet.

Now, I hardly ever put much stock in 'coincidence'.

Brian takes enchanting photos; John Muir spoke words filled with enchantment.

The two go together.

John Muir
photo credit 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Stunned By #WalkAway Campaign

A few days ago my sister suggested I look into a new Facebook group.

And me being me, that's exactly what I did.


At that time there were about 58,000 members of that group.

Now there are well over 112,000 with that number climbing rapidly.


What's the big deal about this group? What's it all about?

A guy called Brandon Straka started the whole thing a while back. He walked away from an ideology that has become NOT what it maybe once was.

The group is a place where people can tell their own 'walk-away' stories. It's a place where people can offer their support to those who are walking away, and tell their own stories.

And BOY are people doing just that!!

Here's the link:

#WalkAway Campaign

What are people walking away from, and why?

Partly it's about those who are walking away from the democrat political party - each Story is different but there's a common thread: decent people are sick and tired of being treated indecently. Partly it's about that same theme carried over into whatever arena a person finds applicable to their life. Politics is a key focus of course, but the theme of just plain being decent to one another, showing kindness and even just common courtesy is such an inherent part of the whole that a visit to the group feels very much like walking into a group hug.

I can't explain it adequately and recommend that you go spend some time there yourself.

If you want to join the group, please be aware that they screen everyone first so it might take a while depending on how many folks are 'in line' ahead of you. But you can certainly go visit!

Because of the rapidity with which this is growing, it's gotten some attention. The purpose of the group might also have something to do with that. This is a mid-term election year and the 2018 results matter to a lot of people who might not really want word to spread like wildfire that people are walking away from the democratic party by the thousands, tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands.


We've been labeled Russian Bots.

Talk about de-humanizing a large group of individuals!

You would not believe the diversity to be found in that group. Everyone is there, believe me! But, other than being a part of their introduction stories, none of that matters. The thing that seems to matter most to Everyone in that group is that we all love the United States of America and want to be able to say so, openly and proudly. With dignity and respect.

The stories and responses might shock you. They might make you weep. They will most assuredly make your day better, your heart lighter, and your Hope for the Future stronger.

This is one powerful group, I'll tell you that right up front.

It isn't just the 'traditional' Silent Majority finding its Voice but many and many members have been a less traditional Silenced Minority.

The effect the individual stories have on a person is ... high impact might be the term I'm looking for.

The effect of the whole, that's what is going to stun you.




Remember not so long ago I was talking about that 'thing' that showed up during the 2017 natural disasters hitting us again and again and again with no end in sight?



People stepping up and helping people and nobody checking which hyphen went with who.

That was the real AMERICA showing up full force in a time of need.

Guess what.

You can meet that AMERICA up close and personal.




 #WalkAway Campaign

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Artwork - A Couple Of Samples

I like using these embroidery hoops stretched with cotton fabric - they come in various sizes, are lightweight, and portable.

These two are acrylic on cotton.


Last bit of this article:
"It’s time for a reapplication of the Silver Rule. Only once we begin to leave each other alone can we talk about rebuilding our social fabric."

I like the 'social fabric' analogy - only fabric is WOVEN not 'built'.
We as a society are a cultural fabric of many threads woven together in a beautiful tapestry rich in colors and textures and a panoply of design unique in all the world. We are collectively We the People of the United States of America.
Any tearing of the fabric of our society is the tearing of our collective soul, and of the hearts of each of us who ARE the threads of our social fabric.
THAT is what 'indivisible' means, my friend.

[the rest of the article was okay, but that last bit made me think ... maybe we don't need to 'leave each other alone' so much as we need to recognize that each and all of us are necessary threads of this so very precious tapestry]

Went looking for tapestries to illustrate this post - holy cow! First the many tree tapestries caught my fancy, then I ran across a bunch of Maximo Laura Tapestries and thought - yes, those suit us better.

THIS LINK will take you to a place I think you'll really like.
It's an interview with the artist.
And photos of more of his work.

PLEASE click on the link. I'm betting you'll say, as I do: God bless Peru for having produced this amazing artist. I don't care if he's not an American - we are still reflected in his work even though we are weaving our OWN tapestry as a nation 

2018 July 4 : Proud to Be an American - Why Shouldn't I Be?!

I have a feeling it would help if both 'sides' didn't feel as though the other 'side' is making our nation not be what we want it to be.

It's like I'm hearing the same thing from everyone: I'd be a lot prouder of my country if only 'they' would say, do, be what I want them to!

Most of us, I think, are nice law-abiding citizens who would never harm another unless in defense of self, family, home, business ... yet we're letting the yiping and griping of a few (and yes, the violence of an even smaller few) make us look sideways at each other all the time.

Sure there are differences, and some of them are major - but even so we, especially on this day of all days, are Americans. Each and all, whether we happen to agree with each other or not, whether we approve of anybody else's choices or not ... those have been, are, and will always be ... BUT above and beyond them, through them, under them, over them, around them one thing STILL binds us together.


For too long we've felt as though we were supposed to be apologizing for that. Why should we EVER not be proud of our nation, of our oh so diverse culture, of our selves?

If we define ourselves, our nation, by who happens to be in Washington at the moment, we're missing the entire message this nation was founded to offer to the world.

We the People OWN our nation.

WE do.

ALL of us.


ONE Nation Indivisible (and for a hefty hunk of us, yes Under God belongs in there too but you don't have to agree with us on that, it's OK - the same Constitution still protects all of us).

If we were all the same my God what a boring thing it would be.

I don't suppose anyone has realized that from the get-go there have been 'opposing sides', that this nation was designed by people who were on 'opposing sides' and that they designed it to force both of those 'opposing sides' (or more than both at times but we'll go with two for now) to be as smart, as creative, as ambitious, as determined, as strong as possible ... which just happens to keep the whole kit and caboodle balanced and in accord with the design.

Not being proud to be an American because of what someone else thinks or says or does makes NO sense.

Differences matter and they need to be addressed; they also help to build a strong balanced nation once they're hammered out with nobody 'losing' and nobody 'winning' everything.

You think everyone was in agreement back in 1776?

Think again.

It took some doing, if the Federalist Papers and other historical stuff are any indication, but in the end a powerful nation was forged, partly BECAUSE of those disagreements.


In case you missed it a minute ago:



E Pluribus Unum ring any bells with anybody?

On this day of all days, it behooves us to think about that for a second or two.

The extremists on both sides are never going to see eye to eye.

So what?

The rest of us sure can.

So on this day, if on no other, BE Proud To Be An AMERICAN.

And deny NO other American citizen that same right, that same privilege, that same gift from our early folk.

RICIMER of the Series They Are My Song (and a bit about Justice, Mercy, and Peace)

RICIMER is 'on hold' for the time being for a couple of reasons.

One is that right now I need to be prepping for some art-related stuff that's on my horizon and that's going to be taking all of my available time and energy for a while here.

The other, perhaps more significant, reason is that my instinctively-pattern-seeking brain is trying to cope with a pattern that I darned well should have anticipated and been prepared for - but I honestly wasn't expecting things to accelerate the way they have just recently.

The pattern?

It's sort of a double-or-triple pattern. Quadruple maybe even, or more for all I know - although it's the same pattern repeating ...

We'll go back only as far as the Roman Empire - set out to conquer Europe and did all right with that, relatively speaking, right up until it got too big for its britches so to speak and disrupted the Balance. Down went the Western Roman Empire and up rose the new Nations of Europe, forged of their own wills and by the sheer strength and determination of their respective Peoples finding their Balance.

Then it was the Church of Rome. Again, did all right, relatively speaking, right up until it got too big for its britches, so to speak and disrupted the Balance. The Church of Rome sank in power and up rose the Protestant Denominations as the Peoples and the Nations of Europe were finding their Balance.

Now it's the EU apparently getting too big for its britches, so to speak and disrupting the Balance.

When will the lesson finally be learnt?

The Peoples of Europe will only stand for so much before they unequivocally say, "NO MORE!"

What with one thing and another, the time of RICIMER bears an eerie resemblance to the time of Now.

I already know how the RICIMER story ends so have been watching the current version play out, that eerie sensation kind of haunting the whole thing.

That yet another version of the same pattern has been playing itself out in the United States only adds to that haunting sense of familiarity ...

It's become notably uncomfortable, writing a Story [that's supposed to be fiction based really loosely on historic times] while the danged Story Line is happening in Real Time in front of my face. So I'm taking all the energy I would normally be putting into writing out the RICIMER Story and using it instead to pray that the path to the end of this repetition of the pattern will be one of Peaceful Balance.

The reason I have Hope for that is a little on the mystic side.

Our Fictional Family has a Destiny that includes enforcing the Will of the Holy Trinity, which has a pattern of its own:


In that order.

Justice was served when the Western Roman Empire went down.
Mercy was served when the Protestants did not utterly destroy the Church of Rome.
So it's time for Peace to have a turn I reckon.

Yes I realize that already things are a bit less than altogether Peaceful - but nor are they what could become.

And no, I'm not talking about that utopian magical world peace everyone lives happily ever after thing. That's not going to happen, sorry. At least not yet, not now, and likely not any time in the foreseeable future.

But a relatively Peaceful and Balanced resolution can and will be found if people put their minds and their wills to it. If you've been paying attention, you might realize that there are people who are putting their minds and their wills to it already, so yes there IS Hope that a Peaceful Balance will be possible, relatively speaking.

*wry chuckle*

Went looking for a symbol for Hope and Balance.

Guess what showed up.
Yeah, there are others, but this one sort of jumped out of the bunch as it's pretty darned familiar.

And this one of course, also quite very familiar:


WARNING: PATRIOTIC POST Patriotism versus Nationalism Renegade's Perspective

ATTN: posted an episode of America Versus.
July 4 at 9:44 AM ·
Americans should know the important difference between patriotism and nationalism.
America Versus
America Vs. America: Patriotism 

The above is a facebook post I found on a friend's timeline.

The video attempts to outline the differences between their definition of Patriotism and their definition of Nationalism.

Now, 'Nationalism' is a term I've heard used only relatively recently.

The first time I heard it was in conjunction with the term 'Populism' (aka Popular Sovereignty) in an extremely negative context (disparaging, to be polite about it) regarding the increasingly apparent stirrings among the European Nations starting a very few years ago. That's a whole separate issue (see below) and has to do with the European Union.

I just wanted to establish up front that this new term (and its connotations) does have a 'history' of sorts, albeit a rather short history.

The video emphasizes something that's been an obvious component of our nation from its conception: dissenting views that have, do, and can lead to our nation getting closer to the original goals and purposes our Constitution sets forth (and played a critical role in the writing of said Constitution in the first place, which they neglected to mention). That I personally have to raise my brows at a couple of their 'examples' is moot. These are the Hero Patriots of the video - and as I've said, my brow rises at associating a couple of their choices with that role although others I agree with. Why they would select these to set apart from the rest of the equally valuable Patriots of all our eras I have no idea, but according to them being a Patriot is a good thing and especially being a dissenting Patriot apparently. Unless your dissenting is different from theirs, of course.

Nationalism, on the other hand, is a bad thing because, according to their definition, Nationalists are apparently exclusivist and suffer from some kind of Superiority Complex. At least that's what I got out of the video thing.

Here's my comment in response :


Patriotism has been with us from forever.

To me it means a bone-deep dedication to one's country and what it stands for. It means respect for and appreciation of the fundamental premises laid out in our Constitution and our Laws, the backbone of what makes us our own collective self and no other - and pride in that nation along with being ready willing and able to make it as close as possible to what it was designed to be.

Nationalism is apparently a new term coined by I don't know whom.

I would frankly associate it more with Europe than the USA at the moment, as the nations over there struggle to regain their own 'independent nations in charge of their own laws' status.

If I were to assign a definition, it would be closer to that, I think. The assertion that we as a nation are exactly that: a clearly defined nation to be proud of with a history unique to us.

No connotations; just a simple statement of fact.

But that's just me and I'm not the one assigning meanings to words.

I love my nation not because it's 'better than' any other but because it's MINE. My legacy to protect and to preserve to the best of my ability for the generations who follow.

And yes I'm proud to be an American and love my country, warts and all. NOBODY is even trying to deny the warts for pity's sake, or claiming 'superiority' over any other nation.

In some ways, sure the USA has worked hard to develop her strengths, and we might be better AT some things than others are.

They're equally better AT other things than WE are.

ALL nations have strengths and weaknesses, just like all people do.

Where is this narrative coming from?!

Holy cow.

That's where my facebook comment stops. I don't come out and say so but the question about where the narrative originates is rhetorical.

Maybe it's because I've lately been paying closer attention to Europe than has been my wont for most of my life (writing books that include historic times means research, which leads to current events and how past and present fit together - plus making friends whose lives are deeply impacted by both history and current events) but yes I have been paying some attention.

That I should have started paying attention thirty years ago is becoming clear, but as a lot of other people are also currently kicking themselves for not paying close enough attention thirty years ago I'm not going to beat myself up over it too awfully much. Thirty years ago I was about to give birth to my third daughter.

In short, from my perspective (it's the only one I've got, as yours is the only one you've got and we're both fully entitled to them) the EU started out as a not too bad idea: a grouping of nations to promote the economic prosperity of all.

Then it morphed.

The impression I've gotten is : "If you want to reap the promised rewards you have to agree to do this, that, and the other thing."

Still sounds fairly reasonable.

Then came : "You have to change the laws of your nations to fit our rules."

Then : "You have to do as we say or else."

And : "We want to build an army and you have to pay for it whilst minimizing or eliminating your own. You won't need your military; we'll take care of all that for you."

And : "Cultural diversity is good for you; here, add all these different people to your populations."

Then : "Oh good! Europe is becoming one big nation instead of many individual ones! Here are lots and lots more people to add to your populations, you'll be SO GLAD to have them! Long live the United States of Europe."

Then : "What do you mean, there's a culture clash? There's supposed to be only one European Culture, didn't you know that? Here, you need more people to take care of. Oh, and we have to raise your membership dues."

And:  "What do you mean you can't afford things any more? Pay up!"

 More recently : "What's this! The Peoples of the different Nations are thinking they can be their own uniquely individual selves! They think want their own Nations back, to make their own Laws, to control their own borders, to choose for themselves!?! Can't be having THAT! Those aren't Nations any more; they're subject States and had better toe our line!"

And so the term 'Nationalist' all of a sudden sprang into the vocabulary, to label the folks who thought they might be able to think for themselves and to make choices regarding their own nations.

Again, this is just mine own perspective.

At the same time all of that stuff has been going on over in Europe, there's been an apparently organized push here in the United States to be more a part of the world at large and less our own independent nation. Sometimes subtle, sometimes overt, the theme has been clear to those whose hindsight is better than their foresight. 

Let's make a deal with our North American neighbors, show unity with them. Never mind that our money is now going into the pockets of other nations. Let's give a lot of our money to these other nations; they need it more than we do. Let's share and share alike. Never mind that we're the ones doing all the sharing but nobody is sharing back with us. Better yet, let's just focus on a bunch of other things like which bathroom people are supposed to use. Nobody will notice anything else as long as we keep their minds occupied with baloney, and at each other's throats over other kinds of baloney. And, while nobody's really paying attention, let's bring in a bunch of others; it will balance things out ...

Yada yada.

I'm not going to go into detail about all of it because frankly I'm fed up with it - so are a lot of other people when it comes to that.

Fed up people who FINALLY (better late than never) noticed a thing or two or three are why a non-politician, one who cannot be bought, one who loves his nation as much as we do, is now the President of the United States of America.

Bottom line is:

I hear the label 'Nationalist' applied to American Citizens in that same derogatory tone I heard it applied to the Peoples of Europe and my hackles rise.

Just sayin'.

Can anyone be so stupid as to skip a step or two or three here and go straight to calling people Nationalists, or is it that those steps have to be skipped because they're not going to work with our President, who evidently has not been as slow on the uptake as I have been? In my own defense, he's been out and about in our world a lot more than I have, and is also a lot smarter in general than I am.

Unlike the Nations of Europe, the United States of America does not have to 'get our nation back' because we've still got it.

What we DO have to do is hang onto it.

Patriotism is something almost all of America can identify with.

Nationalism does not even belong in the American vocabulary as far as I'm concerned. It's but another of those meaningless '-ism' words thrown at us with malicious intent.

"I'm proud to be a Patriot, but call me a Nationalist and I might have to load my pen with that other kind of ink," is what one of our fictional Characters (named Renegade) might have to say in this situation.