Saturday, July 14, 2012


Now that I've got that bit of plumbing out of my hair and off my mind, I can trot myself along to the next set of problems. 

Installing an extra outlet is NOT a problem, if I do say so myself.  It's an easy and straightforward little project, just like putting in an adaptor I can hook my garden hose into was. 

Yet I find myself going AAAAUGH!!!!

Good Grief. 

Me and Charlie Brown ... or Lucy maybe ... oh no, not Charlie Brown's Lucy, I mean LUCY Lucy as in "I Love Lucy" (aka Lucille Ball).

Come to think of it, after all this time I ought not to be so surprised to find myself reminding me of Lucy.  It happens all the time. 

This particular time it's because I've just searched high and low for a drill bit that I KNOW I have - for cryin' out loud I just SAW it the other day!  I remember SEEING it.  I remember picking it up! 

What I do NOT remember (sigh) is where I put it when I put it back down. 

As crises go, this is not a major one. 

I can always just use a smaller bit, drill holes in a circle, and punch it out.  As a matter of fact that's what I will probably end up doing.

I have no great desire to continue searching my entire house for one drill bit that will most certainly show up just when I need it least, as it did just the other day.

It's the principle of the thing. 

That bit isn't one of those itty bitty things that I conscientiously file back in my bit case.  It's big enough to make a hole just the right size to run electrical wiring through, which is why I WANT it right now. 

And it's not like I can just run out to a hardware store and get another one, you know. 

Small Town USA has some mighty fine things going for it.  Being able to pop out to a hardware store on a Saturday night isn't one of them. 

Oh I could GO to a hardware store.  I just wouldn't be able to get in  since it's closed.  So what would be the point? 


Off I go.  Time to get to it already. 

... Time lapse:  about forty minutes as I had to let Duke out and then let him back in, and had to fiddle with moving things about, and had to locate my little saw so as to cut an opening for the outlet. 

Which brings me to THIS:


Okay, it could be just me.  I really do know to cut the lath right alongside the stud last, honest.  I just forgot this time.  Par for my Lucy course tonight I guess.  Now I've got a patching job to do, too. 

See, this is why I like to do things my own self.  If I mess it up I don't have to be mad at anyone else, which is a relief to my  mind.  I can cuss out loud if I want to and nobody's going to hear me except Duke, and he ain't tellin'. 

The good news is that the outlet is going to be very useful. 

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