Sunday, July 15, 2012


For cryin' out loud already! 

I seem never to reach the END of them! 

There are five loads of laundry stacked in the attic hall, another three in the new kitchen, two more in the morning room (which is my dressing room) and a big bag of bedding to get washed.  One person ought not to be able to have ten loads of laundry sitting about.

Even as I'm sorting out the loads for the laundry, I'm filling bags to go OUT - and STILL it just seems to multiply!  I've long lost track of how many boxes and bags have already been disposed of, yet there's always MORE. 

What the heck. 

Remember when I decided that from now on I'm not going to buy anything unless:

1) I don't already have one of whatever it is, and
2) If I DO already have one or more of whatever it is I have to get rid of one

I've actually been DOING that, believe it or not.  It helps me not to accumulate MORE STUFF. 

Now I'm coming to the conclusion that I have to set myself limits, especially when it comes to clothes. 

Socks, for example. 

Really, how many pairs of socks does one person reasonably NEED?  I have enough to fill two good-sized dresser drawers.  Something tells me that's too many.  I only have two feet and each week only has seven days. 

It all stems from the years I was working road construction projects and was only at home maybe one day a week.  I just kept buying new socks all the time because it was easier and less time-consuming than washing and matching them. 

Hindsight tells me that I ought to have thrown the old ones away as I bought new ones (my new procedure) but did I? 


I did not. 

No wonder I have two drawers full of socks (un-matched I might add, as who in their right mind wants to sort and match two drawers full of socks?) and since I personally have no intention in this world of matching them all up I think I might just throw out the lot of them and buy myself ten pairs of new ones and STOP THERE. 

Except for the wool socks because I wear them for slippers in the winter time.  And except for the ones with toes in them because I like them.

You know, maybe I could just go through them a LITTLE and if I'm lucky I'll hit on ten pairs that match right off the bat.  Then I won't have to buy new ones. 

And THEN throw the rest AWAY. 

See, this is how my life goes. 

It's the same with tee-shirts, and tank tops, and sweaters, and jeans. 

Maybe if I start with the SOCKS the mood will carry over to the rest. 

One can hope. 

This is a sad commentary on the wastefulness of one human being. 

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