Monday, October 19, 2015

Does Mankind 'Create'?

Warning: I'm feeling long-winded again ;) 

The following is a response to a comment in a thread on a post in a Google plus discussion community. The previous comment suggested that people 'create god' by coming up with definitions, and that science and technology, by 'shrinking the unknown', make it less likely that spiritual beliefs are 'real' - to paraphrase.
I think you're right about us 'creating' a God or Gods/Goddesses in the sense you're talking about, by trying to define something we can 'sense' but never really with our traditional physical senses. It would be such an individual thing that few would agree except for that intangibility factor. 

Yet the phenomenon (of people defining 'God' to suit their own needs or wants) does seem to be pretty consistent and universal from the ancient times we know about right through our current days.

Science and technology are indeed rapidly shrinking the unknown, making possible what was inconceivable - such exciting times these are in so many ways! The definition of 'impossible' changes almost daily. I see it not as making anything 'less likely' but a journey of discovery that is taking us closer to an understanding, definition if you will, of the world we live in. 

To some of us, the ever-increasing knowledge of interlocking patterns and repetitive design isn't simply a matter of mankind increasing our base of information on which to build even more wonderful advances, to discover even more, although that's exciting enough in its own right - the fact that there's more and more evidence of 'organization' from our very DNA to the universes out there in no way diminishes our faith in Someone powerful enough to have created such wonders for us to discover... rather it reinforces that faith. 

'Discovery' and 'Definition' is not the same as 'Creating' - because we're only just finding things and concepts that already exist, and giving to them names that we humans can relate to. The most creative minds among us do not actually 'create' anything - we just find and use what is already there, pre-existing. Energy, raw materials, accessing and honing the intellects of our minds - curiosity - the whatever it is that drives us to search, to discover, to experiment ... to define ... 

Keep in mind that I'm not talking about any particular 'religion' here - those are all 'definitions', exactly as you say - science and technology add another 'definition' to the mix ... atheists likewise ... IMO none of us can point at any of the others and say,'You're wrong.' At this point in time none of us KNOWS. None of us. We WANT to know, but as of right now we do not.

We've got our physical world to explore; our intellectual selves to challenge, and our inner selves to sustain and drive the others. Again, just my opinion. All three are parts of the whole, so entwined and interconnected that they cannot be separated without harming or destroying the whole.

If your mind is dead, your body becomes essentially useless. If your body dies, your mind dies with it. If your spirit, your will to continue, goes ... both mind and body are affected.

Yep. And this is what happens when an INFJ tries to communicate. Thank your lucky stars you can just click out of it at will.  :)  

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