Sunday, December 14, 2014


I woke up this morning with a sequence on my mind.

I am an un-denominational Christian.

I work in a Roman Catholic care facility.

My sisters and I were raised Southern Baptist.

Our roots lie in Quakers of Great Britain and Huguenots of France.

Before the Quakers were Lollards.

Before the Lollards were Culdee.

Before the Culdee were Druids of both the Continent and Great Britain and the Essene of Judean roots.

Before the Druids and the Essene were the Greeks.

Before the Greeks were the Egyptians.

Before the Egyptians were the Faiths of the many Peoples, most of which (if not all) were Nature-based.

Before the People was God – the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – Creator, Savior, Guide and Nurturer.

At different points in this sequence entered Egypt’s Amon-Ra one God belief system, Judaism, Christianity, the Romans’ brand of Christianity, and Islam, among others.

Keep in mind that this ‘linear’ sequence is not exactly very ‘linear’ as there was overlap, backing an forthing, somewhat akin to waves coming to shore.


Come to think of it, that’s not a bad metaphor when it comes right down to it.

Here you have the waters of the world – oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, springs, precipitation …

It is from out of these waters that humankind came into life.

It is by the waters of the world that life continues.

It is the waters of our world that unite earth and air.

So go back to the metaphor of waves coming to shore.

It is from the waters of our world that those waves emerge, turn and turn-about but all with the same source.

It is from the shared affinity of mankind for belief in a Creator and the desire to both please and somehow associate with that Creator and Sustainer that the waves of ‘religion’ emerge, turn and turn-about but all with that same source.

From the earliest times we can identify, mankind has had some sort of Faith. Over the many many generations of mankind that Faith has ever only had one source – the Creator and Sustainer of our world.

The Faith itself has taken many many different forms, filling the same needs of all Peoples – when and where and how they lived had to have played a big part in their specific needs so the outward development of their Faith would by necessity and logic vary… but the bottom line need-fulfillment that underlies the whole concept is like the water of our world in terms of being a universal source for both Creation and Sustenance.

So I don’t understand where all this angst and turmoil are coming from.

The very concept that ought to be a unifying factor has been twisted into an excuse for hatred and hurt.

Really, what are we arguing and fighting about?

Do the rivers have animosity toward the seas?

Do the lakes vie with precipitation?

Do the oceans try to destroy the springs?

No and no and no.

Because what would be the point when they are all of the same substance and all necessary in their own rights? They are the Creative source, they are the Sustenance, they are the Unity.

What the heck.

Sometimes I think we’re all just plain stupid about some things.

Why can’t we just own up to the fact that we are greedy, jealous, aggressive, and selfish – and that the effects of those characteristics affect each and all of us as individuals, as nations, and as People of our world?

We the People of our world are fed up to the gills with listening to variations of the ‘Blame Game’, are we not?

That’s what’s called a rhetorical question as the answer is quite very self-evident.

Yet we all indulge in that ‘Blame Game’ – each and all of us are guilty.


Stupid about some things, I tell you. We are flat out not being as smart as we could be. You’d think we’d be capable of learning a thing or two from our own histories, but NOOOO … we’ve got to just keep on keeping on in the same old ways, following that same old destructive path, led along by our propensity for greed, jealousy, aggression, and selfishness.

Again I say:

What the heck.

How stupid are we? 

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