Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Women Speak - and it's all about America

They're going to say, 'Shiela, go back to writing books!' And I will.

But ... meanwhile ... things are going on ... 

Something struck me about a set of videos that showed up on my Facebook feed just recently.

Patriotic Americans, upset with more than a few things, are using their Voices to Speak. The ones in this particular set happen to be women.

They're upset basically with our current administration's choices.

Whether or not we agree with what they have to say, we do need to be aware, and grateful, that they can and are speaking their minds. There are many and many others raising their Voices; these two just happened to fall next to one another in my feed and that got my attention. Both women, both strong in their convictions, and both with a platform from which to make their Voices heard.

I don't think it's about race, lifestyle, economic bracket, political leanings, educational level, or religious beliefs any more. Those are always a part of everything. What it's hopefully becoming is 'It's All About America.'

Like a family who disagrees on any number of things, when push comes to shove guess what. If it comes right down to it, are you really going to care if the person who is shoulder to shoulder with you, or the one who has your back, or the one who is ahead of you is a different color? A different religion? Wears a suit instead of jeans? Has a degree or not? Has a same sex mate?

What the heck.

No,  you're not going to care about any of those things. 

When the time comes, and it will, there won't be any African Americans or Hispanic Americans or Muslim Americans or Gay Americans or Native Americans or White Americans or Rich Americans or yada yada yada ... when the time comes, none of those things are going to matter a whit. What will matter is the word 'American'. We will realize that we are Americans, each and all.

Just so you don't get too shocked when that rich white fat American executive has a sudden loss of racism and anti-female attitude once he realizes that the girl standing next to him is going to save his life, risking her own Asian American self to do it.

We will yammer and we will yowl; we will holler and we will howl ... and so be it. When push comes to shove, we will also Unite and United we will take our stand. Woe to those who fail to understand this.

From around this Nation, if you'll pay attention, from all backgrounds, has been coming the phrase 'Bring It On!' ... I'm not necessarily in favor of what those words indicate, but I surely respect the sentiment that lies behind them. Enough is enough already.

I am but a little old gramma lady who lives in a tumble-down cottage on Main Street of Small Town USA - and I'm a pacifist by nature - but if this push should happen to come to shove in my lifetime I will step in front of that girl who risks her life to save that man. Because that's what being an American is all about. 

Just sayin' ... 

Anyway ...

Both of these clips are about what happened in Chattanooga recently.


Here is a girl called Tomi. She is but 22 years old yet her Voice is loud and clear.

Judge Jeanine

Here too, a woman called Jeanine, older and a judge. She wants our military personnel armed, wherever they are, in consistency with our own Constitution.

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