Friday, October 24, 2014

From Now On I'm Just PAINTING The (insert cuss word) Book Covers!

I kid you not.

Simple, and I mean SIMPLE, little drawings to illustrate a kid book took me hardly any time to do - but then I had to fiddle with them and get them formatted and yada yada ... and I made the mistake of using a computer program to add color to the cover photo, which for such a dang simple little thing took an inordinate amount of my time.


I don't even like goldfish all that much.

This is Junior the small round goldfish who ends up going through a series of changes in his life - and winds up happily back where he started, pleased as punch to just be his own self.

Here's the blasted thing - it didn't even turn out all that well, but it'll have to do since it's already submitted.

Over-tired and cranky here.

Luckily for me, the rest of the cover is actually pretty cool. Shiny purple. I'll post a photo as soon as I approve the final work-up.

The next one is about six siblings whose imaginations are out of this world, although they usually stay in our galaxy. In this kid book, their mission is to get two important personages to a very urgent meeting - safely. It's the introduction book for this set of kids who live in a castle and keep their spacecraft handy in the nearby forest.

Then will come a story about a little girl who lives in a cottage at the edge of a forest with her faerie friend (who's pretty naive for a faerie), again an introductory story as there are plenty of opportunities for this pair and the forest folk who are their neighbors.

After that, Brann of Dunnottar Bides, goes Sailing, and has an adventurous picnic with Mama Aine and Caileen. Come this Long Dark, as the rest of the younglings show up to keep him company, I'm thinking the lot of them, along with the rest of the kids whose stories are only just beginning, will keep me busy just trying to keep up with them.

It's time for a change of pace for me so the kids are stepping up to the plate to bring their adventures and liven up the winter for me. I can't wait to see where they take me!

AND I'm giving myself an assignment. I might not succeed in what I set out to do here, but I'm planning on giving it my best shot.

See, a long time ago bedtimes included story time. We ran out of books so the kids would look around the room and pick something, anything, the weirder the better, for me to create a story around. It was challenging but so much fun - we all loved it!

So I'm going to see if I can do a variation of that theme here this winter. Just look around my study or studio or whatever room I feel like looking around at, and the first thing my eyes linger on is what I have to create a story around.

But for the time being, I've got these kid books already written so they'll get their pictures first and get that out of the way as we head into the rest of the writing agenda for this winter.

Last year it was The Mamm Books.

This year I'm focusing on kids.

After that, who knows?

I do know that I've got to write more for the SONG series, but you know how kids are ... they want my attention and they aren't going to give up.

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