Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Working On Mamm Of Tarnos Cover Painting!


Here's the view from my study into my studio!

My 'view' is completely obstructed by the hardboard backing propped up by that scaffolding and the work table that's underneath it.  

On the other side of the blocked view is the cover painting of Mamm of Tarnos, in progress.

Since no executive order prohibits the display of THIS work in progress, here's a peek. Don't have a fit about the discoloration of Ethan's head and face; it was temporary. I had to shoot him in the head and face so I could take an iron to him. Had to go borrow the iron from my sister.

I spritzed him with water, because he had wrinkles (un-stretched fabric 'canvas'), and then I really DID take an iron to him. I had to iron his face three times so far.

That's Rogue on the left, Ethan and Mamm of Tarnos, and Ordha on the right.  You can see the four foot by eight foot hardboard behind the faces; comes in right handy for the sketching AND the ironing!  

The splotches are dry now but it's the middle of the night so I'm going to go to sleep and finish it tomorrow. 

I really REALLY want this thing DONE, and not just because I want Mamm of Tarnos out in print so I can get back to work on Mamm of Iona.

I want it done so I can move that scaffolding and get into and out of my studio again without having to crawl under the painting. It stretches clear from my front door all the way over to the counter on the other side of the room. 

Besides the faces, I've got to do the shading and highlights on Rogue and get Ordha turned to gold somehow - then once those things are done it will be time to set up my tripod and get a good photo so I can do the plain colored background digitally on my computer, a very handy thing as it saves me a lot of paint.  

Being able to look at the paintings on my computer screen as I go along is a good tool for me. It gives me a different perspective from seeing it so huge and right in my face, and I can see where I need to give it attention. 

Of course seeing what needs fixing doesn't mean I'm going to be able to fix it, but I can give it my best shot. I stopped expecting perfection from myself a long time ago - all I can do is the best I can do, and so that's what I do. I can fiddle with it until the cows come home (and end up wrecking the whole thing) or stop when I'm reasonably satisfied (or when I get to the point where I'm telling myself enough is enough already, it's done enough!) ... 

And, for tonight, enough is enough already. My eyes are falling down.

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