Friday, January 27, 2012


To begin with, as soon as the ground isn't frozen I have to move a big section of my wooden fence line. 

I want easier access to my back door from the outside, which the current fence line doesn't allow for, the reason being that if Duke went out either the side door or the back door he'd still be in a yard (his is the side yard, which has an additional fence line separating it from the big back yard). 

Since I have now decided that the best place for my garden is in the big back yard, Duke no longer gets to have access to it, too bad so sad.  He's got plenty of running room in his own yard.  Plus, if he has access to my garden he'll eat all my tomatoes, and I want to eat them my own self, and can some. 

Besides that, given the current economic situation, I want a ramp going up to that door.  What, you may ask, does economics have to do with ramps?  Well, bad knees run in our family.  Mine are fine so far but you never know what the future holds. 

My mom told me not to worry, that medicare/medicaid would provide me with new knees if necessary, like they did hers.  By the time I need new knees those programs may well be defunct, the way things are going, so I'm figuring that I'd best make my own plan.  That includes handicap access to my home, as well as making the inside as chair-accessible as possible. 

Hence the ramps. 

Hence the moving of the fence line.  I'll build the ramp alongside the new line, right up to the back door. 

Moving the fence line isn't going to be complicated. 

All I have to do is disconnect the sections, dig out the posts, dig new post holes, put the posts into them, and reconnect the sections. 

Piece of cake. 

I hope. 

Once it's moved, I'll paint the big back yard fence so it matches the house and Duke's fence, and do some touch-ups on his, and be done with it.

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