Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Just Wondering ...

A thought crossed my mind, turned around, and came back into it. 

Since it's still there maybe this will help to evict it.

I rarely watch the news any more, just enough to try to keep up with what's going on in our world. Most of the time it's just flat out depressing but I can't and won't totally ignore it. Ignoring it will not make it not-real. Plus there are good things happening out there too. Overshadowed by the negative, still there is good and it's a powerful strong good. It just seems to be a lot more quiet than the noisy negative.

Anyway, that particular thought pattern is a permanent resident in my mind and it's not what I'm wondering about on this night.

What has me wondering is how it seems people, lots of people, don't bother themselves about history.

That wonder has been brought to me by a relatively recent thing I heard, which is that Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat. While I don't blame him for wanting to distance himself from that label, the one that's been given him instead is just as much of a wonderment to me. They're calling him a Socialist.

Since people don't seem to want to think about such things as history I wonder if they even know anything about something that used to be called the USSR. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

To my mind, the terms 'socialist' and 'republics' don't seem to fit very well into the same phrase but I'm not the one who came up with it.

Not wanting to consider our world's populations in the light of history, perhaps the people who might think being a Socialist could be a good idea ought to look to current events. They could maybe give a gander to Venezuela right about now, if they would like to see Socialism in action.

Just sayin' is all.

We in the United States have a Constitutional Republic. We do not have a democracy. We do not have socialism. We do not have communism. We do not have a monarchy or a dictatorship.

For that I am grateful every day of my life.

As for my wondering mind, I really wonder if those who espouse socialism really have a clue what they're going on about.

When it comes to that, I've been wondering for a good long time why it would be that our democrat party seems to want to insist on referring to our form of government as a democracy. It is nothing of the sort. 

There's a big difference between a Constitutional Republic and a democracy. If you don't know what that difference is, look it up. The short answer is that in a democracy the majority rules. Period. Nobody else has a say about anything. 

Why our democrat party would want any such thing is beyond me as they are obviously NOT the majority they would like to think they are. They're just a lot more noisy than the republican party and the independents. That doesn't make them the majority. It just makes them loud and obnoxious.

Frankly, and I'm an Independent so it's not like I'm affiliated with the 'other side', the democrats these days are starting to remind me of the inevitable drunks I used to see at local bars (pubs) back when I was working for a local charity and had to spend time in said bars. You know the kind of drunks I'm talking about. They're loud, obnoxious, gossiping, picking fights and filled with malice to the point where nobody really wants to associate with them but there they are, in your face. 

All. The. Time. 

So the thought, going hand in hand with the one about how in the world people might think socialism could be a good life choice, is the one about how in the world the democrats could think their current presentation of themselves might possibly make anyone want to be associated with them.

Just wondering.

It's not like there aren't plenty of other things, good things, happy things, that I want to take up residence in my mind. Maybe I'll focus on those things and they'll crowd these wandering wondering thoughts right on out of there.

One can hope.

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