Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Eggs and Crow

Just a thing that came into my head a bit ago:

Some folks are working really hard at digging that big deep hole, and at the same time they're working just as hard to make sure they have the makings for a big meal if they ever stop digging. The menu items? All the egg they'll have on their faces, and a whole lot of crow.

Just sayin'.

Watching this thing play out ... as an Independent I don't have a horse in the race or a dog in the fight ... as an American citizen I have a vested interest in what's going on between the Republicans and the Democrats so maybe I really do have a horse in the race and a dog in the fight, huh? It's just that mine are sort of invisible.

Basic laws of physics come to mind, just as I've mentioned before. The harder the push, the harder the push-back is going to be.

Is it possible, really, that there can possibly be so very many people who are truly that ignorant about something as basic as ordinary physics?


While I'm pattering I may as well ask a question that's been on my mind for quite a while, since even before the whole Presidential campaign thing last year.

From my perspective, the goals of the Republicans are pretty straightforward: they want security. Economic security, resource security, personal security, religious security, national security both at home and in the world at large. That's something even I can understand.

I honestly have no idea what the goals of the Democrats might be. The general impression I've gotten over a long period of time is that they want ... what? ... a sort of world-wide socialistic or communistic kind of thing? If that's what they're shooting for, it would sure help if they would just come right out with it and explain the reasons they think that would be a good thing. We don't want any more meaningless rhetoric. If they have a goal, they need to do some clarifying.

Meanwhile, it's like they don't have anything to bring to the table. At all.

Well, shovels maybe ... and all that egg ... and hot air, lots and lots of hot air. They could fill our skies with balloons.


Maybe that's how they'll get themselves out of that hole they're digging, huh? Hot air balloons. If they don't learn how to close their yaps those hot air balloons are liable to carry them clear out of the atmosphere of Earth. At least they'll have plenty of egg and crow to keep them from starving.

I wonder how far up there into the atmosphere they'd have to get before we wouldn't have to hear them any more?

The Republicans might be stolid and kind of boring, relatively speaking, but at least they're doing something halfway constructive at the moment and not just yapping and yiping every which way from Tuesday until the rest of us hope they really do take off into the blue in those hot air balloons. They can come back when they learn how to shut their mouths and use their brains and their muscles for something positive and constructive for a change. That might take a couple of millennia so don't be holding your breath or anything.

And I'm not even a Republican.

What the heck.

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