Monday, June 10, 2013

House And Yard Canopy

Used the outside scaffolding to get some branch trimming done on my House and Yard Canopy, loved looking through the leaves at the sky, had to take some pictures!
The trees you see towering over the house in these photos were part of a circle of saplings that began shooting up from a big dead stump that the neighbors said had shown no signs of life for I don't know how long, more than a decade.  They told me that they knew something good was going to happen when they saw new life popping up that summer in what was to become our yard that October.
There were well over a dozen baby trees in that circle; as they grew I had to thin them out but left these five - one for me and for each of my four daughters.  When we moved in that fall, they weren't any taller than me, and about as big around as my pinky finger.
Now they're WAY up there!
One branch (you'll see which one) has to come off as it's liable to mash the dormer on that side.  The good news is that I think that's an ash tree and so I can use a couple of the branches to make a shillelagh or two!  If I find enough, I can make one for each of us! 

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