Monday, May 5, 2014


Here's an example of how the linked circles might fit into the covers of the books. Sidhelagh's set of books comes last of all, a long way down the road; but since I was fiddling around with photos all night I thought what the heck. Let's see how it might work.

1 comment:

  1. When I get all of the books of this 'Mamm' set done, I'll go back to and through each and all of them, get the updates into SONG, adjust the Characters' names as necessary (Caileen, Sass, and Kalann getting their original names back and keeping them all the way through, for example), and modifying the covers to include the five circles - which represent, for our purposes, a couple of things: ONE - the fitting of the five books together into that pattern, and TWO - Faith, Family, Friendship, Freedom, and the Future, what all of my books are all about when it comes to the bottom line.
