Sunday, November 27, 2011

Plan A: Sorting and Filing

One thing about moving is that it reveals in no uncertain terms exactly how much STUFF you have accumulated. 

One thing I have added to my Plan A is clearing out un-used and/or un-wanted clutter.  I'm going to clean house, I say!  I'm gonna CLEAN HOUSE around here! 

My daughters will be so proud. 

Getting rid of the things I don't need, want, or particularly like means I'll have more space for the things I DO need, want, and like.  Now there's a 'duh moment' for you! 

I have to be utterly RUTHLESS, which doesn't come easy for me. 

My biggest couch I left at the other house, so that's one item I don't have to worry about. 

I have several chairs that there's no room for.  Out they go, along with one very ugly (also very heavy) couch that someone gave me. 

There are lots of clothes for me to sort through as well. 

I have my scrubs for work, which I will keep. 

I have my ordinary clothes which consist largely of jeans, sweaters, flannel shirts and such.  I can get rid of many of them. 

I have my 'work clothes', smeared and spattered with tar and paint and adhesives and who knows what all else. 

And I have my 'Real People Clothes'.  These are my suits, dresses, nice outfits and the shoes and accessories to go with them.  These I keep for the times I venture out into the real world (admittedly few and far between but I'm working on that, too) and add to my collection on occasion. 

I've got my work cut out for me in more ways than one. 

The time to begin is now.

To paraphrase Patrick Henry:  They tell me, sir, that I am weak, unable to cope with so formidable an adversary.  But when shall I be stronger?  Will it be the next week?  Or the next year? 

No.  I'm as strong today as I expect to be next week or next year, and my adversary ain't gonna be getting any weaker that I can see.  The time is now.  Right this very minute. 

I'm taking a deep breath and getting ready to fill up some of the boxes I unpacked with things that can go to the dump. 

Here I go.

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