Friday, July 20, 2018

Richard Branson Putting Business World To Work For Refugees? An Idealistic Hope

There's a question mark up there for a good reason.

While I appreciate much of what 'Cousin Rick' has accomplished (disclaimer: not literal cousins, at least not that I know of - it's just the name association I get a kick out of) I don't always agree with every last little thing he says.

That having been said, there's no doubt the man knows business and is good at it.

CLICK HERE for a link to an article dated 12 July 2018.

As we all know, remarks were made during a recent joint press conference by Presidents Trump and Putin of the United States of America and Russia respectively. The remarks I'm referring to have to do with the refugee crisis now under way in Europe. As I understand it, preliminary efforts may already be underway to provide safety for refugees in the more stable regions of the Middle East, much closer to home for many, if not most or all, of the refugees they were talking about.

Humanitarian support for people whose homelands are unsafe for them at the moment is a privilege, and a responsibility that cannot be set aside. It does not, however, include a prerequisite that one's own homeland or people be put at risk in any way.

Branson is completely on target that Business can and should step up to the plate.

Here is where our possible scenarios might diverge a bit.

I have a hunch he is referring to Business stepping up to help plant refugees more solidly within what are supposed to be temporary places of shelter until their own homelands become secure enough for them to return.

I, on the other hand, am referring to Business stepping up to support what I'm thinking of as Sanctuary Cities in the Middle East - those oases of stability would have a ready on-the-spot workforce whose talents could be put to good use in the building of communities and businesses that would provide them the means by which to support themselves while they wait to go home. It would also provide them with skill sets they'll need when comes the time to rebuild their own homelands.

So if the United States, Russia, the Nations of Europe and of the Middle East, Canada, Australia, India, China, the Nations of Africa, Central and South America ... essentially all the Nations of Earth ... cooperate and coordinate efforts on behalf of the displaced peoples who are now homeless, the expense of providing them with sanctuary would not fall so heavily on any one nation or group of nations to care for them while they wait to go home.

Providing 'humanitarian relief' in real terms ought to include providing education and training. A 'side effect' would be the development of business enterprises that would provide employment and products. Business acumen is of vital importance to such development - and Richard Branson has that in spades!

Another 'side effect' would be to minimize (or eliminate) the impact on the homelands of Peoples whose cultures are incompatible (at least with things the way they are right now) with the culture/s of the refugees now finding refuge in said homelands - trying to force acceptance makes it uncomfortable (to understate) for all involved.

I'm visioning cities whose primary objective and reason for existence is to provide for the refugees of our world, be their status caused by natural disaster or by human-initiated crisis.

Who has the resources to put into developing thriving productive cities where the refugees of the world can be safe while learning skills and contributing to not only their own economic stability but to the economy of the world as their products are marketed?



Of the two, guess which is generally richer ... hmmm ... ? That bugbear that bothers so many folks - well here's a great chance to redeem themselves; they can put their money where their mouths have been, eh? The kicker is that if they do it right they'll come out even further ahead, which ought to be an incentive.

Getting to build their own financial enterprises with the Nations of the World picking up a hefty hunk of the tab by providing for their workforces' food, clothing, and shelter?

What's not to like about that?

Richard Branson and other entrepreneurs turned moguls know exactly what to do and how to do it successfully.

They have millions upon millions upon millions of people ready willing and able to work.

They have (or will have) the backing of the Nations of Earth, which coincidentally will also be buying their products as they hit markets.

Designated World Sanctuary Cities under the VERY able leadership of the best of the best in our Business world, built by the cooperation of all the Nations of our world, protected by the best of the best of our world's protective services, peopled by smart, motivated populations (smart enough to want to get the heck out of their failing, dangerous nations - and motivated enough to do it) ... and independently administered by their own choice of administrators, guided by Business and World leaders (that would be an 'oversight committee' in case you're wondering).

Here's your chance, Big Business.
Here's your chance, whichever nation hosts these cities.
Here's your chance, Europe and America and other Nations of the world.
And most of all ...
Here's your chance, refugees from all over the whole wide world - here's your chance.
Take it.

I heard America promise humanitarian aid.
I heard Russia promise transportation.
I heard (read) Big Business (aka 'Cousin Rick') promise expertise, development, jobs.
So far so good.
Who will be host?
Saudi Arabia? Turkey? India? Egypt?

My vote, if I had one?
Saudi Arabia, smack dab in the center of Saudi Arabia.
The Saudis could use an upswing in popularity.

Now get on with it already before Europe erupts and America has a melt-down.

There are twenty or thirty million people who need a place to go and something productive to do.

Make it happen - for them and for all of us.

Now, if this had been MY idea I would be patting myself on the back. As it is, the idea/s spring/s from the minds of the most unlikely combination I've ever heard of.

What on God's Green Earth do these three men : Trump, Putin, Branson : have in common? Trump's a Christian; Branson's an Atheist; Putin's ... well, Putin is Putin. Trump wants Independent Nations; Branson comes across as being heavily in favor of the EU; Putin wants ... well, Putin is Putin.

So what DO they have in common?
For one thing, they're all three hard-headed.
For another thing, they're all three soft-hearted.
For yet another, they're all three in favor of World Peace.
For another, they are pragmatists to the core, each and all of them.
AND, they're all three some of the brightest bulbs in the world's chandelier.

Perhaps we should all take heed. God works in mysterious ways, the Universe unfolds as it should, and Hope springs eternal ...

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