Friday, June 2, 2017

She Gave Us A Visual Of What's Been Going On

A gal, thinking to be funny, presented us with a visual image of what's been going on in the American political arena.

Even those who agree with her, maybe them especially, don't think it's funny.

The rest of us recognize it for what it is.

Maybe some of those others also recognize it for what it is.

Maybe that's why they don't like it either.

Perhaps they don't like seeing themselves in that particular mirror.

Well, that mirror was produced right down there in that big deep hole they've been digging for themselves for the past year or more. Nobody's seeing themselves in it except for them.

Picking fights at rallies, rioting, trashing sites of marches and protests (some to the point of ecological harm to areas they claimed to be protecting), discriminating against those who disagree with them, mocking and disparaging people whose views differ, offering support to ones who have harmed and are harming our nation and our people, an absence of support for the ones trying to protect our nation and ourselves (even them) ... the list goes on of what that one image represents.

It's all been going on for quite a while now and the rest of us have not been blind to it.

Neither have we been impressed by it.

If some of the ones seeing themselves reflected in that mirror are recognizing themselves for what they have become, they're maybe getting a glimmer of what everyone else has been seeing in them for all this time.

It's not funny.

It is, however, effective.

The image that's been projected by so many for so long is no different from the one they're recoiling from now. It's the face they've been showing to us as Americans and to the world at large. If they don't like it, perhaps it's time for them to do some soul-searching - because the face they present is but a mirror of what's inside of them.

That's not funny, either.

It's a reflection of certain individuals; it does not reflect America.

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