Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Fake News

huffpost photo

The thing about ALL news sources these days is that NONE of them have any credibility. 


So what the heck are we supposed to do if we want to know what's going on in our world?

Generally, I have to pick an assortment of sources from 'both sides' of whatever issue I might be looking into, read or listen until my eyes are bleeding and my ears are too (which I have to admit, regarding the ears, isn't quite SO awful now that I don't have to put them through the ordeal of listening to HRC's voice, whew), and then kind of split the difference.

Yes it's a pain in the ass and yes it's time-consuming. But I'm not going to take the word of either side just on their own say-so, not even (and maybe especially) the side that I think I'm most likely to agree with. Because that would be imposing a bias of my own on top of the bias that's already going to be inherent in EVERYTHING I read or hear.

Maybe that's why I tend to spend more time looking into science and history than politics. Science has to be able to confirm; history, while it's open to 'interpretation', has a lot of scientists to confirm or deny its veracity - or at least to present with clarity what they find when they look as deeply into it as possible.

Politics, on the other hand ... 


I'm Independent for a reason.

I sure as heck wish there were some 'Independent' news sources, ones that are looking at both sides of issues and presenting the 'facts' as interpreted by both sides - and give us a little credit for having enough intelligence to figure out for ourselves which side, or what parts of each side, we agree or disagree with.

Somebody ought to have a publication, or a show, that has divisions - Left, Right, and Center - with equal space/time devoted to each. Then I could just go to that site and get what I need without having to traipse all over cyberspace for hours on end all the time.

All we want is to hear as directly as possible the facts as objectively as possible. Honestly, we are very sick and tired of being treated like we have to have somebody else make up our minds for us and then inform us of what we think. Sensationalizing ... really ... quit it ... just ... stop.

Enough with the 'blame game' already. Just tell us exactly what happened without commentary; then let reps from the Left, Right, Center and any other pertinent perspectives have their say. Separately. ONCE. And be done with it. 

Believe me, social media will take it from there and we can follow up as we choose. But for pity's sake give us just ONE source that simply reports. We'll generate our own hysteria thank you very much, have our own disputes, and speculate to our hearts' contents. If we want your personal opinions, we can follow you on Facebook, or Twitter, or your personal blog, or whatever.

Just sayin'.

NONE of you of the media are the heroes of anybody. We don't believe ANY of you.

If I want to find out about something that happens in another country I go to the local news of that country. Actually, the same goes for events in our own country; although the infection or whatever it is that ails mainstream media has also infected locals at least we have a chance of finding out what's really happened in terms of actual facts.

When it comes to world news, have a section of that ONE source with blurbs and links, just to let us know when something happens. Same for state news. Again, we'll take it from there; we do know how to click on links. Heck, even the Millennials know how to click on links. All things considered, it's truly no wonder they're mostly confused.

Whatever happened to Who What When Where and (if relevant) How? I leave out the Why because that's not up to you to even comment on. If we want to know Why, we'd best ask whoever did it what their reasons were. 


Fake news ... 

'The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth' would be nice. A refreshing change of pace. 

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