Whether it's latrines or lotteries, ballgames or breast-feeding, I swear everyone on both sides has got exactly the same script:
I'm right; you're wrong; therefore, you're a jerk and I'm a good person.
According to both sides, everyone's both a jerk and a good person.
The way I see it, that makes everyone pretty much the same so said everyone ought to maybe realize that the person they're bellyaching about is the exact same one they see in the mirror.
That jerk!
Nah, that good person!!
We should all take to carrying little mirrors around with us - that way when somebody starts a tirade we can point the mirror at them and not have to say a word.
If they break the mirror, they get seven years of bad luck.
All of us are mirrors of the worlds we see around us; by the same token, the worlds we see around us are mirrors of our own selves.
Think about that for a minute or two. If you need three minutes, that's okay too.
The world you live in affects you.
The world you see is but a mirror of you.
The way you see the world is the person you are.
The world has both 'jerk' and 'nice person' qualities to it.
When you look at your world, what you're going to see is you.
Now's a good time to reflect on that for a minute or two.
Because, you know, you're not the only one looking.
Your own world is looking right back at you.
What are you seeing in that mirror?
What is your world reflecting?
You reflect your world.
And it reflects you.
Good world?
That's you.
Or not.
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