Sunday, November 30, 2014

What's Wrong With This Picture?

I have a couple of dozen new kid books running around in my head, several blog posts that I want to write, a bunch of paintings and sculptures nagging me to get busy on them, and some very fun trailers just waiting for my attention.

So why am I not doing any of the above?

I have no idea.

This time last year I had just gotten SONG done and The Mamm Books were beginning, not as a set of five books but as the first (single) book of a set of seven. Then they became the set instead and the other six books remain to be written.

Now there's no logical reason for me to not be tending to what I need to be tending to, so why am I not doing it?


Fatigue has me strapped at the moment, and I've got another day of shift-work tomorrow before Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday when it will be shop-work instead - then I head for the Forks and Bemidji until Sunday which is Home For The Holidays at the Festival Hall. Then another Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of shop-work before it's back to shift-work for me.

The good news is that the shop-work, once it's a more settled routine thing, will provide me with designated time to follow through on the things it inspires me to do - which includes most of the above. 

I can tend the shop and write kid stories (they aren't as emotionally involved for me as the Mamm Books so I'm not likely to spend hours on end in tears as I write difficult scenes), get the blog posts written, sketch out the paintings and sculptures and maybe even work on some of them if I can stake out a bit of a work-space, and even do the trailers.

I just have to focus on making that environment my new 'creative' place.

I sure as hell wish I had the resources with which to really stake out a space for myself and transfer my own working studio from my house to one of the empty shop areas.

I remember some places in Old Colorado City that artists used for their working studios - it was great! They had their finished pieces there for sale and their works in progress in front of them, getting done.


If wishes were horses I'd have a herd.

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