Monday, August 11, 2014


It is, however, done for the time being.

And thank God sez I.

It's been a strange kind of day, but at least my Characters are at a logical stopping place and I've gotten the text safely electronically stored so can quit writing little notes all over my handwritten stuff now.


I still have to go through it all one more time and make sure I didn't miss anything, and also read the thing all the way through to see if it makes sense. 

I'm hoping to find that it's all just fine.

I'm also hoping that nobody else decides they need to jump into this story line. 

For it having been a day 'off' I'm pretty well tired out.

Tomorrow promises to be another strange day so I'd best probably go see if I can rest myself and see if I can Dream a good poem - which is on my agenda for tomorrow along with a bunch of other stuff. The poem, that is. I hope to NOT spend my day Dreaming as I have a meeting to get myself to in the morning.

I can't let my writing schedule get too far awry as the days available for actually getting any writing done are few enough already.

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