*snort of laughter*
That would be me, as far as I can tell.
See that open window in the dormer? Out of it is snaking a very big rope which goes up alongside of that dormer and over the roof line and down into the matching dormer on the other side - I used it for a life line while working on the front half of the roof over there.
I'm laughing at myself here, having a high old time snickering at all the stuff in my 'PROJECTS' blog, which I darned near forgot I even ever had.
There's a link to the post I started that blog with.
It was SUPPOSED to keep my posts organized, along with a number of other 'specialized' blogs, so this one wouldn't be such a hodgepodge.
You can see how well that brainstorm worked.
What with one thing and another I haven't really kept up to date on my projects, although it's not like I haven't been busy. I've just been busy with things other than my house projects.
It's been a busy 16 months for me.
They Are My Song
Mamm of Perth
Mamm of Tarnos
LittleMamm of Iona
Mamm of Dunnottar
Small Town USA
Victor Vignettes
Introducing the Younglings of Dunnottar
The Story Behind the Story
Fishin' Off the Dock
Those ten books starting coming out not quite a year ago when I got the first one finished and published. In the next couple of weeks I'll add another half dozen kid books to the list.
Anyway, it's not as though I've been sitting around twiddling my thumbs for all this time.
Still, I reckon maybe I should get back to work on some of the projects that have gotten pushed aside for all this time, eh?
Yep. Been living too close to Canada too long, eh?
And so much for going to bed early tonight, eh?
Well how was I supposed to know that my old 'PROJECTS' blog would be so entertaining? I don't recall being much entertained during the process of DOING all that stuff.
But here it is going on three in the morning and instead of heading for bed I'm heading back into that blog. I might laugh myself to sleep.
I tell ya. Tearing off a hundred-year-old back porch was filthy work.
Here's the post that goes along with this photo:
Here's the one that goes with the first photo and the big rope thing:
Truth be told, neither the porch project nor the south roof project are yet done. That's what happens when a person forgets to lock their ears shut to the siren song of writing and artwork. I've been a little distracted. On the other hand, the roof isn't leaking and the back porch still basically serves me fairly well, what's left of it.
And once again I bid you g'night and God Bless.
Me, I'm gonna sleep in tomorrow until I wake up.
After I make my way through that 'PROJECTS' blog - it makes me laugh but I'm also hoping it will motivate me to pick up where I left off clear back whenever the heck it was.
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