Sometimes things really do get just a mite weird.
I've just spent the past year and a half researching and writing about the ancient past of Scotland because of a mystic experience and some dominating, attitudinal Characters.
Before that it never really crossed my mind to think a whole lot about Scotland (sorry, I've had a life crazier than most and ... well ... ) except in terms of doing my own family research and out of curiosity and fascination.
ANYWAY, ironically, because of that very involvement with ancient times, I've spent the past year and a half in Scotland, only 1500 years ago - and (ask anyone who knows me) it has consumed my life.
Finally the Mamm Books are done, right? I can breathe again.
And it dawns on me that maybe I ought to take a look-see and find out how it has all turned out for my Characters by finding out what things are like now in their neck of the woods.
I KNOW. Don't give me that look.
But you have to keep in mind that when I'm consumed, it's like there IS no other time, no other place, just whenever and wherever I am (aside from eat, sleep, work ... actually more like just work as I also ate and slept in my 'time zone').
So I've been out of the communications loop for a while.
And I come back to our own time zone just in time for a HUGE event.
The mystic in me isn't the least bit surprised to find the descendants of my 'fictional family' embroiled in yet another challenging Choice.
The rest of me is stunned.
My daughter says, 'Mom! It's just like in your books, only NOW!'
And in a way she's right.
Me, I'm paying attention - because I really do want to know how it all turns out.
Which side am I rooting for?
I'm rooting for the People of Scotland.
They will Choose for themselves, the same as always.
Aye, that they will.
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